
Active Assailant Case Study: Risk-managing and saving lives in mass shooting events

The active assailant insurance market is just a few years old but growing significantly in response to the increased number of mass shootings, predominantly in the United States.

Chaucer’s new partnership with Gabriel, a technology company tackling mass shootings and workplace violence threats, and crisis management specialists Merrill Herzog, aims to improve outcomes from active assailant incidents by preventive risk management and early detection, live two-way communication for insureds, and real-time security team response.

How bad is the problem?

In 2023, there were 655 mass shooting incidents in the US1 in which four or more people were killed or injured. Whilst this number is lower than the decade high of 689 in 2021, it is an 8% increase on 2020, which itself was a 47% increase on 2019, and around 200 more than any other year in that decade.

Although the statistics are muddied by varying definitions of mass shootings, and suicides, gun violence in the United States has increased since the outbreak of the pandemic. Reasons attributed to this include the impact of pandemic restrictions and a difficult economy sparking a cost-of-living crisis, political turmoil and a mental health crisis.

Can events be prevented?

Whilst careful risk management and security controls including metal detectors, CCTV, weapons detection systems and automatic door locks can help lower the risk or the damage from an event, they rely on employees utilising all methods available to them, and good communication across site.

Notable mass shooting examples in recent years including the event in Uvalde, Texas in 2022, was a particularly damaging event because locks and security measures did not work, were not used, or were used by the shooter for their own purposes.

90% of mass shooters, however, have told people ahead of time that they are intending to carry out an attack or indicated violent intent. These verbal warnings are often combined with other signs that someone may be more likely to carry out an attack, which can include extreme depression, sharing extreme hate online or admiration for earlier attacks (copycat fantasies) and having experienced or carried out abuse.

Awareness of these sorts of issues and providing training or mental health care can help reduce the likelihood or prevent a mass shooting event entirely. Seven of the last ten school shootings, for example, were prevented because somebody took action upon noticing these warning signs.

What coverage is available currently?

Active Assailant products have existed for several years, but most provide after-the-event response only; coverage for property damage and liability to others, among other expense coverages which will respond to restore a client’s position following an event, but little in the way of pre-emptive risk management, or assistance whilst an event is underway.

What is different about Chaucer’s Active Assailant Offering?


Our product combines the best components of the existing products on the market and bundles in life-saving technology from AI technology firm Gabriel, which has been proven to shorten the timestamp of active assailant events, thereby saving lives.

Importantly, the product helps in real time.

Utilising AI Technology

Gabriel is a unique Software as a Service (SaaS) solution that enables communication across multiple parties – including on site security and responders, police, and crisis management. Use of their multi-functional dashboard allows insureds to take control of the unfolding situation, saving lives.

Crisis Management

As well as Gabriel, the product utilises market-leading crisis responders Merrill Herzog. Merrill Herzog is comprised of former members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Special Operations, and commercial technical experts in their specific fields of expertise and provides both preparedness and response services to insureds. Insureds receive risk management advice at the outset of the policy, as well as crisis management support during and after an event.

Broader definitions

The product definitions are broader than many in the market, providing coverage at insured locations and not limited to ‘populated areas’ or restrictions regarding act of terrorism.

What does Chaucer’s Active Assailant product provide to clients?

  1. A one-hour discovery call with Gabriel and Merrill Herzog to discuss critical and perceived threats, risk management and realistic event response planning
  2. Mobile App showing panic button and exit routes, and the ability to text a live stream to others
  3. Gabriel’s Virtual Command dashboard for your Security team, operating as a mobile Command and Control centre ahead of and during an active assailant event.

    Dashboard including:
    • Instant mass notifications and two-way communication with the site including upward flowing reporting opportunities for those at risk of harm
    • Interactive floor plans for security teams to mark hot and safe zones and designate injuries, to allow responders to go directly to places where lives are at risk
    • Connectivity with security providers, police and emergency responders

Published on 21.06.2024